Monday 9 March 2009

Twitter and micro-blogging

I have added a 'Twitter' box to the right hand side of the blog. Twitter is a micro-blogging site, which is like blogging but a lot shorter. Think Facebook status and you basically have it. The other different to normal blogging is that people will update their Twitter much more frequently usually with what they are doing at that particular moment.

I signed up to the site a long time ago (as you'll see) and used it for a few days before getting bored of it. But a few days ago I saw that I could add it to the blog and figured it'd be a good addition, especially as I can update my Twitter from anywhere with my iPhone.

Also, I am intent on updating my blog fully today. But as I can neither be bothered to write about and can't remember everything that has happened in the last 2-3 months there will be some summarising.

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