Thursday 13 November 2008

Double Feature: James Bond + Eagle Eye

There is a cinema in Potsdamer Platz at the Sony Centre that shows English films in English and any foreign films (including German films) in their original language with English subtitles. After finding this out I vowed to go and see Quantum of Solace upon release.

The new film is definitely a break from the old style of Bond but it’s one of the things that I like about it. There is a lot more action in this one than in Casino Royale with is a plus and the special effects are beautiful especially the computers used in the briefing about the marked cash, it’s just so seamless. The overarching storyline does not get concluded in the this film so there is a slight sense of it being unresolved. It’ll be interesting to see how long that takes to get wrapped up and where they take the Bond films once they have done so.

After the first film we headed to a bar nearby where we had some rather pricey but exceptionally good beer (I think there may have also had a micro-brewery there) before Don suggested seeing a second film. The film he suggested was ‘Eagle-Eye’. I’d seen the trailer to this and thought that it looked worth seeing despite probably being trashy. It was going to finish very late so I was the only one apart from Don who wanted to go.

Jerry and Rachel are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situations, using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move.

It was actually a decent film, naturally it had a cheesy Hollywood ending but then all big films seem to now. The evil computer in the film did remind me of Glados from Portal (for those of you who get that reference). She even sounded similar, although there was no companion cube.

The film finished at 1:30 am and it was past 3am by the time I’d taken the night-bus up to Pankow then walked the rest of the way, so I was ever so slightly tired in my German class the next day but it was well worth it.

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