Sunday 2 November 2008

Thursday Museum Visit & Halloween CS Meet

Every Thursday evening in Berlin the museums open late and allow free entry to everyone. This is a great way for the locals to have a look round without shelling out the tourist prices. Earlier this week I'd received a message about renting camera equipment from a Hungarian girl who is studying Film in Berlin. I arranged to meet her and go along to the 'Alte Museum' to view the Egyptian exhibit along with other Couch Surfers who were meeting there at 7.

Unfortunately I was late so we missed the meetup so it was just the two of us. She spoke German but only a little English which meant I had to make an effort to talk in German, which was actually quite a nice change. Despite my German still being rather basic, I was surprised that I was able to say more than I thought I could.

Annoyingly I'd forgotten my camera so only managed to snap a few low quality pics on my iPhone. On the upside, the exhibition had the information written in English as well as German and was fascinating:







Then on Friday night I went along to the Halloween CS meetup at 'Nah Bar' near Nollendorfplatz. As usual the first hour it was fairly quiet which I'd avoid if I didn't keep going for the pre-meet food, but it got a lot busier after an hour or so and once Melissa arrived the evening got a lot more interesting.

I went to join her and her friend Molly outside while they were smoking and chatted with them for a while. A few people arrived and a couple of others came out to smoke and we chatted with them. One of which was a Swedish girl called 'Cajsa' (pronounced 'Kaiser') who was quite mad. She was clearly very drunk, and possibly under the influence of some other toxin (I'm not too sure which though). It's hard to explain what she was like, but she was just funny because of it.

She also went round hitting on every guy in the bar, including me apparently but I was oblivious to it at the time. Although as the evening went on she became somewhat less subtle, she asked Melissa if we were together and after she told her she had a boyfriend back in Canada she stumbled over to me and asked me a bizarre series questions (like 'Do you live alone?') that were quite clear where she was leading. After being rather definite in answering negatively she got the message and went off in search of some other hapless victim.

Before heading off back home I ended the evening on the small dance floor dancing away to the cheesy music that was being played. It was that kind of dancing you do when you don't care what people think so it was pretty fun, if rather graceless.

Regardless, I'm well on the way to making a great embarrassing Dad when dancing when I'm older.

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