Thursday, 20 November 2008

priMaria Cafe - Friedrichshain

As my new apartment doesn't have internet yet I've been using the internet at a nearby cafe called priMaria. The second time I came here I asked for a tea and to my great surprise and satisfaction is came in an actual mug instead of a glass. It was also quite delicious.

After bringing me the tea the owner of the cafe picked up an acoustic guitar from behind the counter and played 'Losing my Religion' by REM and then continued on to play a selection of other songs.

When I came here today and sat down, the owner came over to order to confirm that I wanted a black tea with cold milk, remembering that is what I have had previously. Now that's service.

So, the priMaria is becoming a definite favourite of mine, I think even after we get internet I'll be coming here often.

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