Thursday 30 October 2008

BVG are a big load of stupid

The incredibly useful Berlin transport trip planner app for my iPhone was today rendered near useless with the removal of the map. This, I have found out is because BVG (the company responsible for running the transport in Berlin) decided they didn't want the map to be included in the app.

They have not released and app of their own, and therefore there is no logical reason for this. So far I've liked BVG, the trains run on time, the prices are fairly reasonable and I've had no run-ins with the ticket inspectors, but this has really pissed me off. The worst thing is, I can't do anything about it, the weather is getting worse here which means getting a bike isn't an option and walking everywhere is just impractical.

So I'm now back to carrying a paper map around with me, one that has considerably less detail detail than the one on my iPhone. Technology is awesome, it's just sometimes people that suck.

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