Wednesday 8 October 2008

Gaming detox

As some of you will know, my addiction to gaming rather took over my life this last year or so and getting away from that was one of the big motivations for coming to Berlin.

I was expecting some form of withdrawal from it all as by the end of my holiday in Italy I just wanted to get home to the internet and Team Fortess 2. I partly attribute that to the fact that the places we were staying was pretty archaic when it came to technology.

Since coming to Berlin I've had pretty much no desire to play anything, and I doubt I'll keep to my original plan of returning to the UK for a week just to play Left4Dead when it's released. I don't like the person gaming turns me (and others) into. Life is just too short to spend it all arguing about 'balance' and wasting energy on childish grudges.

My life in Berlin is so much more exhilarating and fulfilling that any of the experiences I ever got from gaming. Plus I'm sure I can find something to get the adrenaline pumping in the same way a good round of TF2 with the LdD or the EBC guys did.

So this is Will Bann aka 'GinSoakedBoy' logging off.

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