Tuesday 28 October 2008

Catch up

While I have been keeping up with chronicling my time here in Berlin, some of the smaller or less exciting things have slipped through. So I'd like to get a few items posted so everything's up-to-date.

First, I'm back looking for apartments again, I'd taken a bit of time off from it after arriving at my current place as I got rather sick of it before. But as this is only a temporary arrangement I need to be getting back on with finding a longer term solution. It should at least be easier now as university has started so most of the students will have found places to live.

Next, I will be looking into getting a job as I am becoming very aware of my financial limits and not having a bank account is causing a certain amount of stress. Once I have this and a regular income I can more easily live within my means and it will make the idea of living in Berlin for the whole two years much more achievable.

My tutoring sessions are on hold at the moment. I taught two lessons then due to various things didn't teach any more. I'm now waiting for my 'student' to move apartment and some other stuff and will hopefully resume from where we left off.

I have looked into Kung Fu classes in Berlin and managed to find somewhere that not only teaches Wing Chun (the style that I learnt for a year back in York) but the teacher is English speaking and quite happy to speak English if I were to go. The classes are twice a week and I'll be going as soon as my stuff arrives from England.

My German classes are progressing well, I'm starting to be able to form some basic sentences outside of the examples we are given to a fair degree of accuracy, although I sometimes pick a word that is technically correct but is generally not used. A few days ago I added a small bio to the sidebar (see right).

One final thing, my copy of this month's PC Gamer arrived from England and there is a nagging part of me that still misses gaming. But when I'm outside the apartment going out and doing all that I've been doing it rarely crosses my mind. Still, it doesn't help that one of my flatmates has a decent gaming PC and offered to let me play on it if I wanted.

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