Monday 20 October 2008

Great things happen when you make them

After spending the night in on Saturday I had intended to have a lazy day on Sunday, catching up with various things but I kept thinking what a good idea it would be to go to the Ben & Jerry's Scoop Shop cafe and have some ice cream with a few people.

So I sent a text round to a few of the people I'd gotten numbers from on Friday and also to Dominike as we'd not met up in a week or so as we'd both been busy. Anyway, Dominike and three other people replied to my text saying they'd be turning up and I also got a phone call responding to a post I'd put up on the Berlin CS group.

I ended up being late as I had to stop off at Hauptbahnhof to cash some Traveller's Cheques so by the time I arrived everyone except the Couch Surfer who'd rung me earlier was there. I ordered a bagel and some ice-cream (separately, not together that would be silly) and joined the others. We stayed for around an hour chatting away. I did the annoying thing of making everyone pose for a photo, thanks to my flash taking ages to charge I managed to keep everyone waiting for a good 30 seconds, carrying on my family's tradition of slow photo taking.


From left to right: Dominike (Germany), Melissa (Canada), Katie (Australia), Ben (Australia), Laura (Romania)

Katie and Laura had both mentioned the nearby Flea Market that they'd been to earlier in the day, so I suggested going and catching the end, which everyone was up for. We ambled to the Flea Market which was about 10 minutes away and although it was starting to close up there was still plenty going on.

I've been to a Flea Market once before, in Liverpool with my sister, which was awesome but this place was so much bigger and we only had time to look round a small part of it but from what I saw there was what I will politely call an eclectic selection. One of the stalls had three SNES's in various boxes, one looked fine, one had the innards missing and one looked like it had been in a fire:


I'm not entirely sure how they were expecting to sell this, but you never know someone out there may want a severely burnt SNES. Joking aside, one thing that really caught my eye was a stall selling very old looking cameras and cine-cameras. I've wanted an old cine-camera for a while now, especially after seeing and playing with one that a friend from my course bought off eBay.


I decided to buy the 'Zeiss Ikon M808' for a mere €15. He even threw in 6AA batteries to power it. The condition is fairly good, although I need to figure out what some of the dials do and find a photography shop to buy a film for it which will probably cost more than the camera. I nevertheless look forward to using it.

After we'd finished looking round the Flea Market we got a drink at the bar there and I managed to take a photo, somewhat quicker this time:


Another English Couch Surfer had posted up earlier in the day organising a drink at a bar in Kreuzberg called Hannibals and as it was getting close to the time he'd put up, I suggested going; Dominike had uni work to do and Laura and Ben had to go back to drop on some stuff so would join us later, which left Melissa, Katie and I to take the U-Bahn there (stopping off at Alexanderplatz to get noodles first).

As we arrived early we were the first there but eventually there was a little over 10 people. We had a good time chatting and drinking from some very beefy looking 0.5L glasses and I was outdrank by Melissa (yes I'm a lightweight). Afterwards a few of us got food at 'Kreuzburger' and then headed home.

All in all, a pretty damn good way to end the week.

1 comment:

Bob said...

'there was a little over 10 people'

that would be 11 then.