Saturday 4 October 2008

Photos look better when Photoshopped

As I was getting ready to go out yesterday it transpired that I had an extra 20 minutes or so to play with, just enough time go to the small lake and take a photo or two.

A lot of photographers will say you can take great photographs without the need for Photoshop. Those people are have skill and good cameras, I have neither of those things. However, I'm very pleased with the results of my Photoshopping. Even a simple curves adjustment makes all the difference:


I really liked the architecture on these buildings and the sun being so low brings out the details nicely.


I'm a sucker for good graffiti art and there is so much going on in this. Unfortunately I couldn't really get a better angle of this because of the tree being in the way. I walk past this a lot as it's right round the corner from where I'm staying.


This is the photograph I've been really wanting to take these last few days. I'm really happy with the composition of this, with the statue looking out across the lake. It is pretty heavily Photoshopped, I won't say how as knowing is always less fun.

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