Saturday 25 October 2008

Party on the S-Bahn + The Wrong Fork

A week or so ago I posted up about 'party on the U8'. Well it wasn't really a party, but what I went to last night was. It was rather quietly organised to avoid being stopped by the Police. As a result we had to go to Frankfurter Tor station where we were then given whispered instructions to go to Neukolln.

Getting to Neukolln required a couple of connections, and as we got off the train at Alexanderplatz Ben pointed out a tall and rather pretty looking girl and we both somehow managed to lose sight of everyone else. Assuming they'd gone to the U2 we went and got on the train, after ringing them we realised they'd taken the S-Bahn instead. Strangle we ended up arriving in Neukolln on the same train.


We waited at Neukolln for a short while then all piled onto an S-Bahn train. There were a few people with large speakers playing music, and everyone had alcohol.




It was a very unique experience, everyone was jumping up and down which made the train shake and were singing loudly. After we'd been going for about 30 minutes we changed trains going in opposite direction. After we switched trains everyone started chanting in German, I couldn't say what about but everyone (the Germans at least) seemed to know the words.



We then pulled into Treptower Park and everyone got out for a quick break. When we went to get back on, eight or so Police Officers had turned up with some rather angry looking dogs. Ben decided to go to a couple of bars near Warschauer Straße then head home, as did Dominike, the rest decided to head onto another party. Unknowingly, I was stood at a fork in the road, join Ben and Dominike for a couple of quiet drinks, or follow a group of people I'd just met to a club. Foolishly I chose the latter, a decision I grew to regret.

I'll explain why, firstly by the time we got the club most of the original group had left, leaving two guys and two girls. We didn't go in because the queue was too long so we headed to a small Indie bar instead. Now, despite my like for Indie music, most indie bars/clubs tend to be rubbish because the DJs (a term I use loosely in this instance) tend to play one great song, then five awful ones.

After paying a €5 entry plus another €1 for the cloakroom we headed to the area designated 'dance floor' which in an Indie bar is the place where skinny people stand and sway slightly. All there is to do in an environment like this is dance, or try to have some sort of shouted conversation, neither of which particularly appeal to me. The music, was pretty poor with only one track now and then that I actually liked. The highlight was a Crystal Castles song, which I happily bobbed away to, unfortunately it seemed that no-one else knew it.

On top of all that, the two guys were making rather obvious moves on the girls, which wouldn't have bothered me if I'd had someone else to talk to, but as it was I was the fifth wheel, stood there feeling like a right pillock. One of them also started to cock-block me; this is the phenomenon of 'blocking' another male by dancing in front of him in-between you and a woman. This pretty much excluding me from the group. I naturally responded in a mature manner by doing the same to him for a couple of minutes ignoring his subtle attempts to push me out of the way and he seemed to stop after this. It could have been worse though, I had the real urge to just turn round and hit him.

After another couple of terrible songs I'd had enough, I told the guys I was going for a drink and went to get my coat and headed off home. I've only done this a couple of times before and that was back in Sheffield after particularly bad nights out. Proper clubs in Berlin have better music so I may give the whole loud music, dancing thing another try.

This last week I've not gone out much and I've not been getting enough sleep which has made me quite moody. I also think the last couple of weeks of partying may have caught up with me. Apart from more sleep, I need to go out more, but somehow spend less and possibly find some physical outlet like a martial art.

If I take nothing else from last night, it's that it's not where you go, but who you go with.

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