Saturday 27 December 2008

Still Living the Berlin Life

Although my blog has been quite quiet recently, my life here in Berlin is still very much active and ticking along nicely. Some of the highlights include:

- A Crepe eating night hosted by a French girl. Everyone happily stuffed themselves with sweet and savoury crepes and drank quite a lot. Throughout the night we were throwing the balls from a small ball pool at each other, I vaguely remember it getting a little out of hand at one point.

- I hosted a film night for a few friends and watched The Orphanage. It's a film that creeps you out instead of making you jump but it's a great film and damn eery.

- A friend of mine had his first Poker night. We played two games each with a €3 buy-in. I came something like 4th (of 6) in the first game and 2nd in the second so ended the evening by breaking even, which isn't bad considering what a terrible Poker player I am.

- I hosted a second film night, which I put up on the Berlin CS group for anyone to attend. We watched Oldboy which most people seemed to enjoy, one of the girls who came found it too violent but personally I feel you can never have TOO much violence.

- On the Sunday evening while my family was in Berlin I organised to meet up with a few randoms from CS in Friedrichshain which went well. Almost everyone who turned up I didn't know which is something that's not really happened to me since I first arrived in Berlin. We had a few drinks in a bar called Geronimo then most people headed off to a club and myself and a couple of others went to a rock bar and played darts. Despite being awful I managed to beat an Irishman in a couple of the games so I was pleased with that.

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