Tuesday 2 December 2008


Today in my German class we were given a 90 minute written test. On the upside it meant finishing the lesson 90minutes early. It was also not an official test, but just one for the teachers to see how everyone is doing.

Now my past performance on tests has been generally poor. Little revision and my Memento like ability to forget every piece of information I know have been big problems. Despite this, after about 15 minutes I was half way through the test doing reasonably well considering we'd only been told about it yesterday. After 30 minutes or so I'd finished, and with a few exceptions I was fairly confident about how I'd done. Usually for me finishing an exam early means catastrophic failure (my record in my second year of Business Studies at uni was leaving at the first 30 minutes of a 2 hour exam getting a percentage in single digits).

So hopefully when I get the test back later this week I'll have done well.

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