Monday 8 December 2008

Injection of pure gaming

Part of the reason I bought a Macbook (a decision that has brought much descent from certain individuals) was to avoid gaming as it became a rather large part of my life. I'm still glad that I brought the Macbook with me as it's given me a chance to live my new life in Berlin, but I am now seriously considering shipping my PC over here.

I reckon I can now balance a life and gaming, which is why in part I decided to give Team Fortress 2 on my Macbook a bash. As it turns out, it does actually run. Ok, so everything is on lowest and it's running at 800x600 but it works. What's more it works on the projector:


After such a long time without gaming online it felt great to be playing again, the rush and the mad hilarity of it all. But that seems to have come at a price, after about 90minutes or so of Team Fortress 2 I'm exhausted.

I have a 7 day trial on the software that's letting me play TF2 on my Macbook so it'll give me time to see how much I play and if it doesn't take over like it did before I'll definitely be bringing my PC to Berlin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Part of the reason I bought a Macbook (a decision that has brought much descent from certain individuals)

Hmmmmm wonder who that was :p